She's starting to smile so much and has started talking (well, minus the actual words) up a storm. I'll try to catch some conversation on video to post later this week.

We finished her antibiotics on Monday too and we're so thankful to be done. They were doing a number on her stomach and making diaper changing an interesting and very regular experience.
We had our first physical therapy session since leaving the hospital this week. Harper's stomach muscles are splayed from her omphalocele. This, along with her lack of tummy time will make her a little developmentally behind so PT will be a weekly appointment for us. Its more to teach Jared and me how to work with Harper when she's home and to track her progress. She's doing great with her head control, kicking and arm movement. Getting out of the house is an experience all together. I thought I was doing so well with my planning by trying to schedule PT far enough from a feeding that she wouldn't throw up everything she just ate but I went a little too long on the back end. She was good for about ten minutes and then "Rage" came out. Jared and I have decided if Harper was a UFC Fighter, her announcement into the ring would be: HARPER "RRRRAAAAAGGGEEEEEE" MEABON!!!! In other words, Rage is her alter ego that emerges when she's hungry or during bath time. And it is not pretty! The other physical therapists started shutting their doors to block out the screams. A little embarrassing but when the girl's hungry, the girl is hungry! I've learned my lesson and would prefer spit up over the screaming.
I've been getting the question about what Harper is wearing these days. At night, we have her in snap front gowns or one piece sets with the snaps open so her O peeks out. During the day we have her in pants and kimono or cropped tops. Harper and I had to have a serious discussion about the use of crop tops and midriff bearing shirts. This will be the only period of time in her life when crop tops are acceptable. They are not to be worn post surgery and should specifically be avoided past the age of 12. Under no circumstance will a crop top ever be appropriate for Spring Break.
We are so use to her O that its almost like another limb. I keep her covered when people come over, not because we're embarrassed about how it looks but because I don't know what people's comfort level is with seeing her O. But if you come by and would like to take a look, by all means, let us know. We're so proud of the progress its made and how good it looks compared to what we started with that we're happy to play omphalocele show and tell.
As we discuss surgery and the future, I've been thinking alot about what her stomach will look like later in life. Our surgeon has told me that she will have scarring on her stomach but they will try to make her a belly button when surgery is complete. It will be higher on her stomach than a "normal belly button" and it probably will look different. How do I give my little girl the confidence to not let any teasing effect her? If she ever gets teased about her belly, how do I convince my sweet girl that she is perfect in every way? I want her to realize how those scars will be a physical reminder of what God has done in her life and how many people prayed for her. I just hope I arm her with the confidence she needs to let her know her "differences" are really strengths and something to be proud of.
I have a few prayer requests to ask. First, welcome to the world Tobias! Tobias is a fellow O baby born last week. He's had his surgery and is doing so well. Please keep his parents, Carolina and John, in your prayers since they were discharged yesterday and are now back and forth to see their little man.
Please keep Kari and Scott in your prayers. They gave birth to Colin last Monday and Colin joined the Lord in Heaven on Tuesday. I ask that you pray for peace for Kari and Scott and for God's grace in their lives during such a heart breaking time.
Lastly, please keep my Uncle Denny and his family in your prayers. Denny has developed an infection in his brain and his body is struggling to fight it.
Much love,
She's such a cutie -- so glad that she's home now! And she sure does look like her Daddy :-)
On another note, I think what you wrote here is exactly what you tell her: "tell my sweet girl that she is perfect in every way" ... "those scars will be a physical reminder of what God has done in her life and how many people prayed for her" ... "her 'differences' are really strengths and something to be proud of."
Love, K, D, H & D
Happy 2 months old Harper.
You've already started confidence in her with your website and the way you have taken this on with full gusto and learned all you can and ran with your instinsts. You maybe have to teach her how not to lift her shirt to show off her story and how proud she is of her parents.
Happy 2 months old Harper.
You've already started confidence in her with your website and the way you have taken this on with full gusto and learned all you can and ran with your instinsts. You maybe have to teach her how not to lift her shirt to show off her story and how proud she is of her parents.
She looks like you and your mom!!!! So precious. Happy 2 mos seet girl. Love your writing!
Love your post, Brooke! Happy 2 Months Sweet Harper!! Sutton and I can't wait to come play with you, sweet girl! XOXO!
Happy 2 months Harper!! hugs and kisses!!
Happy 2 months old Harper!.
That smile is priceless!. And she is super cute!.
I've come to the realization the our o babies are a real and complete miracle and a scar, bigger or small will be a remind of that. On another note, I completely understand your fears, but I'm sure that we as parents will make sure that they feel proud of their tummies and if somebody doesn't like it, they will be able to just ignore any negative comments.
Oh my gosh - that one picture where she is smiling is you, Brooke!!! So precious! Happy 2 month birthday to you all! WOW such progress! I know that you will have the exact right words to say to Harper anytime her sweet heart is broken. You have the perfect words, Brooke - just read all the previous blogs.
Love you all,
Okay for those of you who think Harper looks like Brooke...
The only way I know to show you these photos is this way but here we go...
a few of Brooke as a baby...
Christmas Baby Brookie...
Maybe Harper looks like Jared!?!?!?!
The pictures are so tiny I can't really tell but the first one looks just like Harper. Sorry that is what my eyes see. I need bigger pictures.
That first picture cracks me up. The look on her face is priceless! Happy 2 months to Harper! She looks great and I'm so glad that all is going well. I understand your struggle with how to talk to her about her belly when she gets older. I think the words will come when the time is right. And remember . . . the Lord has made her a man out there somewhere who will LOVE everything about her, even her "different" belly button!
I love the picture of Harper sitting in the chair with her name on it! Hang in there, you guys sound like you are doing so well! Harper is so cute!
She is too cute.
It seems easier to hide an O on a girl with dresses, etc. Lincoln looks like he's "Rockin' a Homer Simpson belly," as Tendai puts it.
You did it again... everytime I read a blog, I find myself in tears and feeling so proud to call you my friend. You are already such an amazing mom, and ALL of the encouragement and love you show Harper every second will resonate with her through life. With parents like you guys, she will be sure to know that she IS INDEED "perfect in every way". Love you!!!!!
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