Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Shopping Excursion
The Squirrel was in need of some fall play clothes so we went shopping on Monday. Since she has become so opinionated on her outfits, I decided to let her pick out some new clothes. Guess who quickly figured out that there's this whole section of clothes with construction equipment, trains and dinosaurs on them? After picking out a few new shirts that will conveniently work as hand-me-downs for her brother, she's now left her mother trying to make her hairless child look like a girl. Good thing she likes her accessories!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Ugh, dental progression
A few sleepless nights and two pearly whites later, Harris has confirmed my hatred of teeth. His two bottom teeth have officially broken the surface and will be visible before you know it. But how cute is this smile going to be with teeth peeking through???
Friday, September 14, 2012
Some recent and regular things from the mouth of the Squirrel:
"How ya' doin' babe?" - said often and out of the blue
Question: "Harper, what did you dream about last night?"
Regular answers in no particular order: "Butterflys flying through the air." "Angels flying through the air." "Jesus."
"Hiya Mommy!"
Question: "Harper, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
Very definitively: "Blue T-Rex"
Question: "And what should Cito be for Halloween?"
Very definitively: "Acorn"
Very definitively: "Acorn"
- So if anyone knows where to find a blue t-rex costume, I'm on the search. I think we'll opt for something other than an acorn for the boy.
"Oh, I got it."
"Talk Daddy phone"
Question: "What does he have to say?"
Answer: "Hi Jared"
Answer: "Hi Jared"
Question at any time of the day: "Harper, what do you want to eat?"
Answer 95% of the time: "Oatmeal"
"Oh HI Cito!"
Adventures in Toddlerhood
Well, Harps has hit that, err, magical age where hanging out at the house just won't do. I've found that we need activities, even if it's just a trip to HEB or Target. I will, however, note that Harper LOVES HEB. She has many friends there, all of which she knows by name. There's Tricia and Jennifer at the deli counter, John that bags our groceries and helps us to the car, Dan and Bobbie that do cooking demonstrations. We pull into the parking lot and she starts asking for her friends by name. But I digress.
So with this new found need for activities has come searching high and low for new adventures. These last couple of weeks have brought in the jackpot of activities.
On Labor Day Weekend, Dinosaur Stampede opened up at the Botanical Gardens. Since we have a two year old paleontologist, I knew this would be a hit. I didn't realize it would be 102 degrees with high humidity. We braved the heat, visited the dinosaurs and tried to find any small amount of shade or air conditioning that existed. All in all, it was a hit. Poor Cito just about melted.
Last weekend the Alazafar Shriner's Circus was in town. Harps met up with her buddies Sutton, Field and Annabel for a big day out. Whoa, talk about sensory overload! I can't imagine what was going through that little brain but here's the run down.
- The Alzafar Shriner hat will be the latest fashion statement this fall...just wait.
- Harper suffers from coulrophobia - fear of clowns. Seriously, you mention a clown today and the response is "NO, NO clown!"
- The tigers and elephants were somewhat entertaining to her but extremely sad to me.
- The motorcycle on the high-wire is big stuff to a two year old.
- Performing Poodles were the highlight of the show for the Squirrel. She was jumping up and down in her chair and dancing the whole time they were on. Who would have thought?
Thursday, September 13, 2012
0 1/2 Years Old - Harris
My baby boy is 6 months - what??? Where did that half a year go and who is this Jabba the Hutt that ate my small baby? Seriously, Cito has jumped from the 20% in weight last check up to somewhere close to the 75% in weight. And I love it. Those baby roles and pudgy little thighs are the best!
Harris at 6 months:
Weight: 17 pounds
Length: 26 inches
FOC: 43
Sleep: A few rocky nights here and there but I think we're getting the hang of sleeping. We just stopped the 10pm bottle so we feed the boy at 7pm (bm and 1 Tbsp of rice cereal) and he'll go until some time between 5am - 7am.
Eating: Three solids a day - rice cereal and fruit in the morning, veggies at lunch and veggies at dinner. I've busted out the food processor again so we're back to making baby food. BFing every 3-3 1/2 hours and topping him off with about 2 oz of formula almost every feeding since I wasn't producing enough to keep up with him.
Rolling all over the place. Starting to army crawl a little. Can sit independently for a few seconds at a time.
Happy, happy, happy! Full of smiles and laughs (like to the point where people stop us in the grocery store because he's smiling at them...they don't realize he will smile at a cockroach too). And he's a grunter! Is this a boy thing? He sounds all caveman-ish. For any boys that might be reading this, you all make a lot of noise.
Harris is enamored with his sister. He watches her all day with this goofy grin on his face. And the second she pays him an ounce of attention he just lights up. I think its adorable but I have a feeling the Squirrel will start finding it very annoying as her middle school years approach.
Happy Half Birthday Cito-Meeto!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
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