Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Happy Halloween

I prefer a weekend night for Halloween but Monday it was and we were exhausted by the end of the night last night.  On Sunday night, we loaded up the wagon, met up with the Johnsons and headed to our neighborhood's Spookfest.  We got 2nd place in the chili contest - there were only three entries but I'll take a red ribbon any day.  Harps was in awe watching the big kids whack at the pinatas.  Dorothy entered the costume contest and her buddy, Field, took first prize.  And we were totally worn out by 7pm.
Wagon loaded and ready to go
Harps aka Dorothy and Field aka The Golfer
Harps and Field with their chauffeurs
"Why, hello Dorothy"..."Oh, hello Dorothy"
Family photo op
Making the rounds and taking it all in
Watching the big kids hit the pinata...next year Squirrel
The costume contest
Our neighborhood gets pretty active on Halloween night so we were one of the first out and about (with Honey and Grandy in tow) for trick or treating.  I think this'll be the last year that Halloween is more like a parade for the queen in her wagon.  We mainly knocked on doors to show off our fabulous costume and say hi to neighborhood friends but I have a feeling the coming years will be sugar induced.
"Somewhere over the rainbow...."
The fam
Trick or Treating
The Queen in her wagon
Mesmerized by the big kids
Fearlessly walking to a spooky house
Grandy and Harps
A big thank you to Grammie for making our Dorothy dress.  And yes, I made the pigtails.  Dorothy needed to have hair!  Hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!

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