Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thomas, We Love You!

You know when you have a song stuck in your head and you can't get it out?  Do you know how much worse it is when it's a song aimed at toddlers?  We made a visit out to Burnet, Texas to see Thomas the Tank Engine in REAL LIFE!  Whoa - big stuff for a two year old and Cito had fun too.  But ever since then I can't get the dang Thomas song out of my head.

Thomas the Tank Engine rolling along. 
All of his friends will be coming along.
Thomas, WE LOVE YOU!!!

The sacrafices we make for the happiness of our children.  Please forgive me if you overhear me quietly singing, "Thomas, we love yooouuuuuu" to myself.  It happens.

Real life Thomas!

Spotting Thomas for the first time

Hmmm, I don't know about this

Harps and Cito were mesmerized 

Ready to hand over her tickets

The Conductor

Field and Harper's parents didn't want to wait in the LONG line for the up-close Thomas pictures so they had to pose with the chain link fence.

Whew - that Thomas is exhausting!

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