I'd like to welcome Tiffanie over to Peek In Our World. I came across Tiffanie through a mutual friend and she is one stylish momma! If you are looking to repaint any of the rooms in your house or just want to see what I consider great taste, take her home tour on her blog. You will walk away with, not only great wall color inspiration, but a wealth of decorating ideas! Additionally, Preston is one cute little guy who has an amazing story. Thanks for your contribution Tiffanie!
Hi there! I'm Tiffanie from
Pineapples and Pickles and first time mommy to four month old Preston. When Brooke asked me to guest post for her "A Mother's Voice" project I wondered what to write about. Not because I don't have anything to say, but rather because I have too much to say about being a mommy. In the end
and because I waited to the last minute I decided to share a few of my random mommy thoughts. Here goes ...
In thinking about my life before Preston I can definitely say that my worst day with him is far better than my best day without him (
besides the day I married his daddy, of course). Being a mother is truly such a blessing.
They grow sooo fast. I know, I know we've all heard that,
right? Sorry to beat a dead horse, but seriously, it's amazing how quickly time goes by. Before Preston, eighteen years seemed like a lifetime. Now it feels like it will be here tomorrow.
So with the whole they-grow-up-so-fast realization, I recently decided and started to take a picture or small video clip of Preston every day. I'm not sure how long I will continue it (
months, years, maybe even a decade, who knows?), but thanks to twenty-first century technology that can easily be accomplished. I wouldn't know how to survive without an iPhone 4 these days. Not sure what I will do with all those photos besides back them up on our wireless external hard drive for now, but I'm sure I will eventually come up with something.
today's picture
(i know, i know... back is best, but he must wouldn't sleep any other way today) |
I want to add that I love blogs especially blogs where mommy bloggers (
like Brooke) shed true light on all the aspects (
the good, the bad, and the smelly) of motherhood. I appreciate the honesty, and it's good to know I'm not the only one who wakes up in the morning and then goes to bed at night with my head spinning. Somedays I go to bed ready to nominate myself for mother of the year because my baby was full of smiles, giggles, and coos and free of any major meltdowns. Other days I go to bed wondering how in the world I was responsible for another human being.
All that being said, being a mother is the most magnificent job on the planet. What's so magnificent is that it's probably the hardest job ever but hands down the most rewarding. Lastly, doesn't being a mother make you appreciate your mother and your grandmother all the more? Sometimes I wonder how my mom (
have I mentioned that my sister and I are 11.5 months apart?) and my grandmother (
who has six children and then took care of most of her 9 grandchildren) did it day in and day out.
Thanks for bearing with me and my randomness. Thanks for having me, Brooke, and thank you for your blog, your inspiration, and for sharing your adorable Harper with us. Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all of you exceptional mommies out there. Enjoy your day!
Love the idea of taking a pic or video everyday! You are so right, Tiffanie, the iPhone4 really helps! What did our moms and grandmas do without iPhones??!! Love your perspective on mommyhood. You are only 4 months into it with lots of valuable advice! Preston is a lucky little guy!
Great post Tiff! Preston is definately lucky to have a mommy like you!
My neighbor did the daily pics and goes to shutterfly(or similar sites) and makes photo books every few months! Such a cute way to keep and share. I am trying to do this myself.
Thanks Tiffanie for letting us into your world. Great ideas with the technology of today it will work.
I'm a mom and grandma and to answer your question Lisa, We have fading picture in albums that are browning from the scotch tape that is holding them in place.
We can scan now but we are busy enjoying our grandchildren. :)
Brooke, I just found your blog via Tiffanie and I love it!
Love Tiffanie's post (as always!) - and that sign could not be more true (or is it truer?)
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