Harper Elizabeth Meabon was born at 7:58am, weighing 6lbs. 11oz. The doctors were very pleased with her size and the size of her omphalocele. The O was smaller than they anticipated but still classified as giant since it contains her liver. It was about the size of a large plastic Easter egg.
As of now, we will wait for the omphalocele to be covered by skin but we might be able to take her home a little earlier than originally anticipated. They are saying at least a couple of months.
The C-section went well and I'm feeling good. We were able to spend time with Harper before coming up to the room. Jared and the grandparents have been back and forth checking on her. They have started her on formula until I can pump and she ate 30 cc/1 oz. We couldn't be happier!
She is just precious and I can't wait to spend some more time with her. I should be able to head down to the NICU tonight when my legs are back and working.
Thank you for all of your prayers! God is good and they are being answered!!!

Congratulations!!. She looks so precious and healhty!. And I love her name!. I'll keep praying for Harper so that she can continue to do well and be home soon.
Hi Brooke. . it's Kelly Galloway. . .I am so thrilled to see the pics of Harper, she is just beautiful. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Welcome beautiful Harper, we are SO glad you are here! Congratulations Brooke and Jared, she is incredible!
Congratulations to the both of you! She is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to meet little miss Harper. More prayers and thoughts coming your way. Glad to hear that you are doing good as well! XOXO, Jenny
LLLLOOOOVVVEEEEE the name Harper!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My heart sang when I saw the name Harper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, she looks just precious and peaceful:) She looks to be happy and content and ready to heal!!
We love you Brooke! You go MAMA!!!!!
She's a doll! Love the name; I must say I'm a little partial to the middle name especially...
So glad the O is smaller than anticipated and you'll be headed home sooner. Wonderful news.
Praying for y'all!
She is soooo precious! We will keep the prayers coming!
Congratulations Brooke! I will continue to keep you and Harper in my prayers! God is good all the time :) She is absolutely beautiful!
Kim Wells
She is so beautiful!!! So thankful that God has answered prayers and she is here and doing well! We will continue to pray for you every day, sweet Harper! We will pray that you keep eating well so you can grow big and strong and go home soon to your darling room that your Mommy and Daddy have ready for you :) You are one blessed baby girl and have the most amazing parents, so strong and faithful! We love you!
She is a doll! I am so impressed by her size! Kelly and I are definitely going to come meet her sometime. I think we have something very special in common as mommies! We will keep praying for a speedy recovery for you and for Harper's care!
Love, Jill Nall :)
Congrats Brooke and Jared!! She is beautiful and I love her name!! I am so glad she is finally here and we will continue to pray for both you and sweet Harper!
Welcome to the world, Harper! We're so glad you're here, and can't wait to meet you in person. Congrats to all three of you on the start of a wonderful adventure together.
You're a lucky girl, with some terrific parents and lots of people who love you. (You have a really great name, too!)
Congratulations Brooke and Jared! Harper is just precious and perfect in every way. Praise God for the wonderful news that the omphalocele is smaller than expected and that you may be headed home sooner than expected.....what wonderful answers to prayer! We are so happy for yall and for the arrival of your beautiful baby girl. We cannot wait to meet her in person, and in the meantime, give her a big hug and kiss from the Davidsons!
Lots of Love,
Congratulations Brooke and Jared! Harper is just precious and perfect in every way. Praise God for the wonderful news that the omphalocele is smaller than expected and that you may be headed home sooner than expected.....what wonderful answers to prayer! We are so happy for yall and for the arrival of your beautiful baby girl. We cannot wait to meet her in person, and in the meantime, give her a big hug and kiss from the Davidsons!
Lots of Love,
So fantastic!!!! She's beautiful. And you are such a beautiful mommy, with an awesome spirit.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the name!
Congratulations - she's gorgeous! I love the name. So happy to be able to pray for her by name now! She looks JUST like Jared in the first picture at the bottom. Great work you guys! :)
Welcome, Miss Harper!! You are beautiful :-)
Happy Birthday Harper Elisabeth! Welcome to the outside world. So happy you are here.
Welcome to the world Harper! Thrilled she is here- what a little chunkster and beauty she is. I'm especially glad I do not have to keep calling her Nuggster... although it kinda clicks. Happy Birthday little one!
welcome to the world little one...
Love the name, so strong and so appropriate for such a strong and healthy little girl. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all three of you and look forward to the day we can meet her!!
love to you all
Aunt Brenda
it's Harper's world now!!! Welcome to the Fam! Your Aunt, Uncle and Cousins from steeler nation can't wait to meet you! we love you! CONGRATULATIONS to Mom and Dad!! You all continue to be in our prayers.
Dylan, Madison, Aunt Meghan and Uncle Jeebs
Congratulations Brooke! She is beautiful and I love her name! Can't wait til you guys get to take her home!
Harper is beautiful!! Congratulations!!
Felicidades, Brooke and Jared! Harper is so precious. In one picture (the one with her eyes closed) she looks just like Brooke and in the other one, I see so much of Jared. Juan and I are so happy for Mommy and Daddy. What a miracle she is. We will pray that she just keeps on thriving. Love you guys!
We are so excited for yall!! She is precious and perfect in ever way. We can't wait to play with yall. We love yall and will continue to keep yall in our prayers!! xoxoxo!
Brooke what a beautiful little girl and she just looks so cute in your photos! I am so happy for you both...take care of yourself especially since you had a c section. It is easy to get sucked into the NICU world and not want to leave but be good to you too!
Congratulations to you all! Harper is absolutely precious. I am thinking and praying for you all. I bet she is a fighter with quite a personality like her Mommy! I can't wait to see you all soon!
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